Japanese legend Ichiro Suzuki is knocking on the American Baseball Hall of Fame, and the official website of Major League Soccer lists the "12 best rookies in Japan", and the top of the list is undoubtedly Ichiro Suzuki (2001 Sailor). Even Shohei Ohtani, who later set a record, was relegated to No. 2, after all, Ichiro Suzuki won the American League regular season MVP in his first season, and Shohei Ohtani was very good in his first year in the United States but only won the Best Rookie (2018 Angel).
"Ichiro's rookie season was not only great, but it was historic, as he swept the American League batter, hitter, stolen base, rookie king, golden glove, and MVP in a single season." Ichiro Suzuki was at his peak when he traveled to the United States, and in comparison, Shohei Ohtani, who was not yet 25 years old in his rookie season, was still growing, and his performance was naturally not as crazy as Ichiro Suzuki.
No. 3 is Tornado pitcher Shigeru Noshige, who won the National League Strikeout King and Rookie King in 1995 in the Dodgers, and was named the starting pitcher of the All-Star Game.
The 4th place refers to the forkball master Chiga Toshidai (2003 Metropolis, shortlisted for the rookie king), the 5th left pitcher Imonaga Seita (2024 Kokuma), the 6th "Son of God" Tanaka Shodai (2014 Yankees), and the 7th "Godzilla" Matsui Hideki (2003 Yankees, shortlisted for the rookie king). In fact, except for Suzuki, Matsui, and Otani, the remaining 9 finalists are all pitchers.
No. 8 Darby Shuari (2012 Ranger, finalist Rookie King), No. 9 Takashi Saito (2006 Dodge), No. 10 "Heisei Monster" Daisuke Matsuzaka (2007 Red Sox), No. 11 "Great Demon God" Hiroshi Sasaki (2000 Sailor, Rookie King), No. 12 Kenta Maeda (2016 Dodge, Nominee King).