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The difference between baseball and softball, baseball No. 1 position

Baseball and softball differ significantly in a number of ways, including origins and development, field specifications, balls and equipment, pitching positions, rules of the game, and player positions and responsibilities.

Origin and development:

Originating in the round game and cricket in England, baseball grew in the United States in the mid-19th century, becoming one of the most popular sports in the United States and becoming widely popular in Japan and the Caribbean.

Softball originated in the United States in 1887 as an off-season indoor game for baseball players, and has since developed into an independent sport, especially in women's sports.

Venue Specifications:

The baseball field is large and has a long distance from home plate to the outfield fence (at least 76.2 meters for men and 67.06 meters for women).

Softball fields are smaller and correspondingly shorter (at least 60.96 meters for men and 54.86 meters for women).

Balls & Equipment:

Softball is larger and lighter than baseball, usually pale yellow in color with more pronounced strings, whereas baseball is white.

Baseball players need more equipment such as professional boots, gloves, wrist pads, helmets, and cuirass, and pitchers also have special gloves and elbow pads.

Softball equipment is relatively simple, mainly bats and balls.

A baseball glove has a "pocket" between the thumb and index finger, while a softball glove has a deeper and larger pocket.

Pitching stance:

Baseball pitchers can pitch from different angles and stand on a "pitcher's mound" that rises above the ground.

Softball pitchers must pitch the ball in a "down-to-the-hand manner" with the ball below the waist and within a "pitcher's circle" on flat ground.

Contest Rules:

Baseball games are usually nine innings with six outs each, and baserunners can leave the bases early.

Softball games are typically played in six innings with three outs each, and runners must pitch before they can leave base.

Player Positions and Responsibilities:

Baseball has a clear division of labor such as pitchers, receivers, and outfielders, with complex rules and diverse tactics.

Softball has a similar positional setup, but the rules are relatively simple and the tactics and strategy are less complex.

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