MLB Major League Baseball Los Angeles Dodger Japanese star Shohei Ohtani appeared at the Tokyo Dome team for open training today (14th), and the fans at the scene saw him step on the court, and there were deafening cheers to welcome the superstar back to Japan.
Shohei Ohtani arrived in Japan on the 13th on a Dodge plane, and at that time, more than 47,000 people on the Internet paid attention to the flight movements, and more than 500 fans came to pick up the plane, which shows that Japanese fans are quite enthusiastic about the opening game in Tokyo, Japan.
At the official press conference this afternoon, Shohei Ohtani said that he is really looking forward to the Tokyo Dome series, and the most important thing at the moment is to adjust the time difference, hoping to make this game a good memory. I hope that Japanese fans will enjoy not only the performances of Japanese players, but also the unique charm of major league players, including power and speed, and enjoy the pure fun that baseball brings. ”
After the press conference, Shohei Ohtani and the team went to Tokyo Dome for a public catastrophic process. When he appeared at the Tokyo Dome Stadium, the cheers of the fans came and went, and in response to the enthusiasm of the fans, he raised his hands and made a "come on" gesture, and the atmosphere boiled instantly!
Shohei Ohtani warmed up in the right field, practiced running on first and second base, and practiced the return to base to carefully adjust his physical condition. The whole process was broadcast on the big screen at Tokyo Dome, so that the fans at the scene could clearly see his every move.
Tickets for the official Major League Practice Day were open, so fans could not miss this rare opportunity to see the stars of the major leagues in person, and all fans raised their phones and cameras to capture Shohei Ohtani at Tokyo Dome.