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Hello everyone, I'm Brother Xiao.
The King's Lingbao Bazaar is coming to an end, and there are about three days left, I don't know what everyone's current rewards are? I believe that some players have already swiped the rewards they want, and some players may only have guaranteed epic skins at present, these days Brother Xiao has also received a lot of inquiries from players, I want to know that 200+ times have not refreshed to the legendary skin, is there no hope?
Let's talk about the conclusion first, yes, even if it is 300+ times, you can still theoretically brush out the legendary skin. First of all, in the King's Lingbao Bazaar event this time, the refresh probability of the legendary skin is fixed at 0.8% after the gift box level reaches level 6, and there will be no change, so no matter how many times you refresh, there is a 0.8 probability of brushing, even if you have refreshed the legendary skin. Secondly, there is no limit to the number of legendary skin rewards in this event, and there is no situation where the prize pool is empty, so even on the last day of the event, there is still a chance to refresh the legendary skin.
Take Brother Xiao's own account as an example, last year's Lingbao Bazaar event, did not get the legendary skin reward, and after participating this year, it also maintained last year's state in the early stage, when many players brushed out the legendary skin, Brother Xiao is still an epic skin, and the number of times has come to 202 times with continuous refresh, I thought there might be no hope this year, but the 203rd time finally refreshed to the champion pilot of the legendary skin Mulan, and fulfilled his wish, so he still can't give up until the end of the event.
Combined with some of the current situation, Brother Xiao also proceeded from reality and gave some suggestions to players who have not yet brushed out the legendary skin rewards:
As the event is nearing its end, many players may refresh to the desired rewards every day and stop participating in the event, which will lead to fewer and fewer players sharing the high-priced small snake cake, which also means that players who continue to participate in the event will have fewer and fewer opportunities to get more small blessing coins, which will directly lead to a sharp decrease in the number of times they can refresh. Therefore, if you want to continue to maintain the number of refreshes, if it is not easy to find high-priced small snake cakes, it is recommended to properly consider opening a small number to get high-priced small snake cakes, or you can let small snakes sell small snake cakes on large ones, and you can also get an additional 800 small blessing coins every day.
For players who don't want to spend more energy, it is recommended to consider the prop prize pool, on the basis of ensuring that there is at least one epic skin reward, you can properly consider refreshing the prop prize pool and improving the rewards of the prop prize pool, although it is not extravagant to be able to refresh the prop prize pool to the legendary level reward, but the epic level reward can still be pursued, such as 68 limited-time bonds or 200 glory points, try to ensure that your reward is maximized, if there are extra refresh times, Then you can continue to refresh the skin prize pool.
The above is all the content, if you think it's not bad, you might as well like it and support it, if there is anything else you want to say, what you want to ask, what you want to see, leave footprints in the comment area, you will see it~
I don't know anything, I don't know anything; I'm Brother Xiao, let's chat!
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