Hurt, George hurt again! 4 years, 200 million NBA biggest poison contract
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Wall officially signed to join! Hello, China! It's been two full years since he quit the NBA
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The Lakers defeated the Warriors, Curry scored only 0 points on 0-of-8 in the second half, and Vanderbilt returned after a year
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Frozen in! Curry made 0 of 8 in the half, James 25 + 12 thick eyebrows slashed 36 + 13, and the Lakers beat the Warriors again
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Won the top of the Eastern Conference 2 times in a row! The Rockets scored a double-double to beat the Cavaliers again to send their opponents to a three-game losing streak for the first time of the season
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The Warriors center slashed 20+5, Kerr poured cold water after the game, and he will still be abandoned after Green's return
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Simmons revealed that he considered retirement last year! The Nets have no intention of buying him out: he will be a free agent this summer
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Wu Shuai strongly supports Shin Jing-green to be selected as an All-Star! Amen may participate in the rookie game: the White Devils should go to the dunk game
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Lakers negotiate Poeltl + Wuche trade! Mr. Pei is still reluctant to play in the first round: it is useless for Zhan Mei to force the palace
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Guo Allen is out! Guangdong still beat Guangzhou after 22 mistakes, won the derby, and sent the opponent to 7 consecutive defeats
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